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Preparing Your Bug-Out Bag 10 Deadly Sins of New Preppers

Avoid This When Preparing Your Bug-Out Bag

Get a Bug Out Bag Today on Sale! The thought of prepping  is overwhelming for many people new to prepping. But you can’t put it off,  being prepared for an emergency is essential. In this guide we help reduce stress, and eliminate overwhelm by understanding 10 deadly mistakes of new preppers. Here’s what to avoid and do when preparing your bug out bag.

When it comes to prepping, there are many different schools of thought on what you should do in order to be prepared for any situation.

Some people believe that you should have a bug-out bag packed with everything you could possibly need, while others think that this is overkill.

Every prepper, experienced or otherwise, has an opinion on this matter. Get a Bug Out Bag on Amazon!

In this article we’ll discuss the 10 deadly mistakes new preppers make – the mistakes that you MUST avoid when packing your bug-out bag! And it is not only new preppers, experienced preppers make these mistakes too!

1. Having No Plan – You Got to Have a Plan, Now!

One of the deadliest sins of preppers is failing to having a plan. Without a plan, you won’t know what to do in the event of an emergency.

A plan will help you to prepare for anything that may come your way. Sure, plans will likely change depending on the situation. But a plan will give you strategies in place so you can act fast.

2. Not Packing Essential Items

Another deadly mistake preppers make is forgetting to pack essential items. This can include food, water, shelter, and first-aid supplies. This is especially common if you pack a go bag last minute. Planning ahead will allow you to pack all the right survival gear. Fail to do so and you won’t be able to survive for long in an emergency situation.

3. Relying on Others

One of the deadliest sins of preppers is relying on others. In an event of an emergency you cannot rely on someone else to save you. You need to be self-sufficient and be able to take care of yourself. This doesn’t mean that you can’t accept help from others, but you shouldn’t expect it. Would you put your family’s life in someone else’s hands? I wouldn’t think so!

4. Not Designating a Place to Store Your Bug-Out Bag

It is important to have a designated place for your bug-out bag. This way, you will always know where it is and can grab it quickly in the event of an emergency. Don’t put it in a hidden spot or somewhere where it will be difficult to reach.

3. Overpacking – When Preparing Your Bug-Out

 While it is important to pack essential items, you do not want to pack too much. This will only weigh you down and make it difficult to move if you need to evacuate. Try to pack only what you need and leave the rest behind.

6. Not Knowing How to Use Your Survival Gear

Another deadly mistake is not knowing how to use your gear. If you don’t know how to use something, it won’t do you any good in an emergency situation. Make sure to learn how to use all of your gear before packing it into your bug-out bag.

4. Packing Too Little (or the Wrong Stuff)

On the other hand, you also don’t want to pack too little. This could leave you without essential items that you need for survival. Make sure to strike a balance so that you have everything you need without being overloaded.

7. Failing to Regularly Maintain Your Gear

 Just like anything else, your survival gear needs to be regularly checked and maintained. This includes things like checking the expiration dates on food items and making sure that your shelter is still in good condition. Don’t wait until an emergency situation to do this – by then it will be too late.

 9. Not Being Mentally Prepared

One of the most important things to do when preparing for an emergency is to mentally prepare yourself. This means accepting the fact that things could go wrong and being okay with it. If you’re not mentally prepared, you won’t be able to handle the stress of an emergency situation.

10. Being Paranoid Besides Preparing A Go Bag

The final deadly sin of preppers is being paranoid. While it is important to be prepared for anything, you shouldn’t let your paranoia take over. This will only make you more stressed and could lead to making mistakes. Trust your intuition and don’t let your fears control you.

These are the 10 deadly mistakes of preppers. Avoid these mistakes and you’ll be one step closer to be prepared for anything that comes your way.

Preparing Your Bug-Out Get Started Now!

Ultimately, the main underlying theme here is preparedness. Prepare your bug-out bag. Check it often. Prepare your mindset. Prepare your game-plan for when emergency strikes.


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