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Do You Need a Survival Plan? – Warning Signs

Are You Paying Attention to Survival Warnings?

Are you asking the question – do you need a survival plan? Then your gut us already telling you.. yes! The signs are all around and they are not getting any better. The fact you are asking is you need a plan to survive should tell you that you know something is wrong!

How many times have you heard someone mention that something happened “without warning?” While it’s true that there are plenty of life events that do take place without warning, it’s also true that there are plenty of clues for when a SHTF situation is imminent.

But you do have to pay attention. If you watch the news, you’ll see plenty of these clues. All over world, there are bomb threats, nuclear, food shortages, recession and threats of global takeovers. And worse many of these threats are coming from our very own countries.

There are shootings at malls, at hospitals, at schools and colleges. There are hostage situations in office buildings, in apartment complexes, in homes and in cafes.

Sometimes these events are carried out as a result of a one person with a personal agenda – someone who has a beef against others. But far too often, you’ll see events like these because of terrorist attacks.

Militant cells are waiting to strike – to kill innocent people in the name of whatever they believe in. Though some of these situations might seem small scale, these are only the situations that you hear about.

You won’t always be aware of the deadly disasters that get thwarted. There are often buried news stories that the general public will miss – stories that hint at the death and destruction that’s looming on the horizon.

Notice Global Events –  Signs You Need a Survival Plan

If you want to gain an idea of what this could be, all you have to do is pay attention to the news relating to overseas events. These are events like countries stockpiling weapons, mass terrorist cells forming and the building and testing of nuclear weapons.

Nuclear Threats

Some of these overseas countries are currently conducting nuclear tests in preparation for causing mass destruction to other countries in the future. You might not hear about this on the news, but all you have to do is pull up a search on peace threat, nuclear threats or possible imminent disasters to get a glimpse of where the world is headed.


There are already plenty of signs pointing to the coming of wide scale disasters. For example, there are Ebola centers being built all over the country. Even though you may not be hearing much about Ebola right now, other than a couple of small cases – the government knows that it’s a very viable threat and that widespread loss of lives will be a reality.

Even government knows that the future is ugly at best! Just take a look at the items that they’re stockpiling right now. At this moment, the government is stockpiling antibiotics, survival food and emergency water. They’re also hoarding millions of body bags as well as weapons and ammunition.

Concluding Do You Need a Survival Plan

Disasters are coming. It’s only a matter of time. Governments know that it is better to be prepared than to be caught off guard in a disaster. In reality it will be each person for themself…meaning that it is up to you and your plans to take care of yourself and your family.

Having a plan is key and taking personal responsibility is what will give the best chance at surviving an emergency of crisis, whether it’s one that is natural or manmade. You By preparing now you can take steps to make sure that you and your family aren’t caught off guard. And you can survive a disaster at any moment.


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